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Is it normal to sometimes to just wish I was single for any?

Yes. We have this the grass is greener on the other side view of things and we always end up wanting what we don't have. This is because: After a while, you tend to take for granted what you liked about your partner. What used to be favors, now come as expected. The newness wears off and it's easier to notice the negatives about your partner than the positives. You hear stories about how much fun being single is from all your single friends. Well, guess what? That's not the whole story. When they tell you about quitting jobs on the fly because they don't have bills to pay, or how much money they get to spend on themselves because they don't have another person to care about, they describe to you a Utopia but they skip all the late-night crying sessions and the lonely holidays. They don't tell you about how they always go out to eat not really because they can, since there's nobody else holding them back, but because eating alone is sad indeed. And sure, they don't have the bother of worrying about somebody else and they can have their house just the way they, and only they, like it, but it's a lot nicer when there's somebody else to worry about you and somebody else to smile at how you decorated and cleaned your house. Similarly, of course, there are the negatives of being in a relationship, but just remember that there are goods and bads to everything and sometimes wondering what it would be like if is normal.

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