What language would you like to speak fluently and why?
I often fantasise about that. I already speak several languages fluently, or at levels high enough that I could achieve fluency with a bit of immersion but one language I wish I could have for free is Chinese. n fact, if a genie turned up and wanted to give me a wish, Id deliberately not specify any dialect so I could become fluent in all forms of Chinese. I would really love to know at least Mandarin but Im more or less resigned to the almost-certainty that I will never be able to speak more than a few stumbling phrases and will never be able to read even at a primary school level. I would love to know Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese and Thai too- but Id be happy to take Chinese. I have very poor knowledge of East Asian languages as Ive mostly focused on Europe and the Middle East in both my language studies and my life in general but I am very interested in East Asia and would love to branch out linguistic ally in that direction.