Why does my mind focus on the "I wish I could?
Have you ever ridden a roller coaster and then run around to get back in line again? Its the same ride The same experience. But yet we are excited to experience it again. Likewise it is natural to wonder how things might have been better if we had only done them differently. My guess is that you are an intelligent individual who is a bit of an over achiever. An intellectual who is always thinking, I could have done that better if only Ill also bet you excel at many endeavors. Let me begin by saying, Its perfectly OKAY not to be perfect. Now, my concern is whether this feeling of having done some thing in some manner that is less that it could have been, is causing you anxiety. If it is, then I think you could benefit from renewed counseling. If it is just a thought that always seems to rear its head with every experience but doesnt crush your ability to live in the moment, then just know, that is the driving force that has excelled you to your level of understanding of the world around you and your desire to be something even greater than you are today!