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46 votes

It should be perfectly legal to carry your handgun wherever you wish?

I disagree. Even someone who is properly vetted and trained can get drunk, or depressed, or bitter, or suicidal, or out of control. Wherever would include a courthouse where a child custody or protection from abuse hearing takes place. Wherever includes an assembly of politicians debating over a very divisive issue. Should you be able to carry your handgun into the White House, Congress, the Supreme Court? Should you be able to bring your handgun into a school while very distraught and in the midst of a bitter child custody dispute. How often does this vetting and training take place or get renewed? There are places where a handgun can create a very heightened risk to those in attendance. Wherever you wish is a very big area. Like any right, including free speech and religion, reasonable time place and manner restrictions are necessary to prevent ones exercise of a right from turning into anothers oppression. While I see proper vetting and training as important components to responsible gun ownership, they are not absolute insurance of responsible use in every circumstance. Ive seen otherwise very responsible Dads acting like jerks at their kids ballgames. Ive seen very decent guys become complete A-holes when they have a few drinks in them, or when they are fighting with an ex. Ive seen brothers have a few and try and kill each other at a family gathering. Im glad there were no handguns around on any of these occasions. There is a reason why your typical group of soldiers for a night on the town arent carrying and the MPs are. Our armed services arent trying to deprive anybody of their Second Amendment Rights. They are properly trained and vetted, but there are times when it makes sense to be armed, and times when it can make things more dangerous.

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