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Why do people with perfect teeth get braces?

It can be a trend and a case can be made to put braces on everybody. However after a lifetime of being a dentist I think perfection is highly overrated When you have braces it damages you teeth. Sometimes severely. And your teeth need to last for as long as possible. As an old person I can say that these days we are outliving our teeth and the thought that you can have teeth for life is BS. Unless you die early. So you need to do an analysis as to whether the possible damage is worth the improvement. If the improvement is to function, longevity or clean ability then it is probably a good idea. If it purely for perfection, it would be better if you could conjure up a more reasonable version of beauty. There is a lot to be said for mediocrity, it means the middle, and in the middle ilies normality. In life all beauty is fleeting because time marches on. Before you know it you will look in the mirror and see an old person and you will say to yourself how did that happen? So get real, before you get braces.

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