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Is there a problem with projecting a relationship you wish you had,?

Dear, dear heart, I am not a medical or psychology professional, just old and wise, and I would say YES. There is a BIG problem with creating an imaginary life instead of living your REAL one. You have posted this question ANONYMOUSLY. Why? Because you already know the answer to your question and do not want anyone to know YOU have posted it. Real life is difficult, hard, painful, and more. It can also be fulfilling, full of love and devotion, focus and strength, but make believe is an escape when real life doesnt give you these things. Take actions to MAKE your real life better than any fantasy you could create! Here is one of my many answers about this important subject: Belle Gayer's answer to What is a suggestion for people who can't get married? How can they spend their life not feeling lonely? I hope it is helpful. Please feel free to scroll through my Content for other discussions of loneliness and love at your leisure. Live your REAL life to its fullest potential instead of wasting time on fairy tales you are writing. I have been in a magnificent relationship for 48 years now, and I can HIGHLY recommend real relationships and real life. See my Content for more about that too. Good luck, bubala.

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